– Illustrative Photography

– Illustrative Photography

These images are intended to form the basis of a portfolio of photographic work representing an industry I would like to work in.

As a former student of Architecture, I have an ongoing curiosity with the built environment, particularly the interaction between building, context and users.

My aim for these images was originally to be purely documentary, representing civic structures in their context. However, as I’m currently absent a tilt-shift lens – the primary weapon in an architectural photographers arsenal – I struggled to frame my images in a way that I was pleased with. The solution has been to combine multiple images – presenting them as panoramic collages – resulting in an unexpected artistic twist.

Though no-longer purely documentary, I feel that the cylindrical warping created by the perspective composite process brings a sense of depth to these representations. The built forms are enveloped by their contexts, portraying a sense of the human experience of viewing these monuments in situ.


Asynchronous Series